BOA Questions:
1. Do you agree with the statement: If atheism is true, life is absurd? How would you defend this?
2. If there is no God, we are accidents of nature, and not intentionally designed, therefore we have no purpose for being here. If we are accidents of nature can we have purpose?
3. Can we have an absolute standard of moral value without God existing?
4. Why is an absolute standard for objective morality important?
5. If you just cease to exist after you die, does that imply that there isn’t any ultimate justice?
6. If an atheist isn’t living in despair, are they being consistent with their philosophy?
7. True or False, if Christianity is true than each of us is here for a reason?
8. True or False, if Christianity is true than life does not end at the grave?
9. True or False, if Christianity is true then you can be known, loved, and intentionally created?
10. True or False, if Christianity is true then you can have objective meaning, value and purpose?
11. You pick:
A. Blind pitiless indifference, no objective standard for morality, no meaning, an accident, not loved by a creator.
B. Loved, designed, purposefulness, reason for existence, life after death, known by God, objective morality.
12. Do you agree that the best worldview that fulfills our desire for purpose and meaning to life is Christianity?