New discoveries on the Shroud of Turin inspire viral AI image of Jesus
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New Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin: Digging for Truth Episodes 248/249
Items reported to be represented by the shroud:
image itself, blood, native flowers, native pollen, native dirt at nose feet and knees, bruises, 120 lacerations 700 wounds, bent nose, crown of thorns and associated wounds, thumbs bent under fingers, bent knees, pints of blood soaked through fibers, the image only on the fiber surface, burn marks, patches containing cotton and linen, nail marks at wrists and feet, scourge marks, spear wound in side, red blood due to stress effects, no artist paints or dyes, type AB blood?, Bruised cheek and shoulder abrasions potentially due to carrying the cross, coins on eyes, fibers showing decay for 2000 years, patches dated to be about 700 years old.
BOA question: Which of the above reported findings do you find to be the most compelling, unusual, unexpected?
BOA question: After examining the information above do you believe that the Shroud is:
A. Still a medieval hoax
B. Still indeterminate
C. The actual burial shroud of Jesus Christ
BOA question: If you selected C above, how does this inform and or modify your relationship with Jesus Christ?
source Dr. John Campbell
3D Image
Shroud fabric – BROKEN LINK…
3D reconstruction – BROKEN LINK…
STURP conclusions
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